Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 2...

No, you're not losing it, this should be about Week 3 yet Bruce & I are human and we missed working out last week. But the good news is, I know you were worried, we did make it back to the gym and as much as I really didn't want to - it felt good once we got started.

We have figured out a routine that we are going to try and stick to. Bruce has started back to school, which means Thursday nights I get a free night will need extra motivation to do some type of workout (probably Zumba at our apartment if anyone would like to join me). And since my job schedule changes so much, in a few weeks I should have a normal routine and we can get in the groove of working out in the AM. Every one who is crazy keeps saying that you get a much better start to your day and sticking to a workout routing when you workout in the morning.

We've still been doing really good with our eating and keeping track of what we put in our mouth, which I firmly believe is half the battle... I'm sure if I didn't eat half of the lovely, delicious, wonderful, chocolaty, creamy, decadent, drizzled, exquisite, sugary, tasty, fattening, frosty, FRIED, finger-licking. greasy, honey-glazed, juicy, layered, breaded, salty, luscious, moist, mouth-watering, scrumptious, seasoned, smothered, southern, stuffed, syrupy, sweet, tantalizing, cheesy, gooey,  tempting, velvety, whipped, wonderful, yummy CRAP that I have thought about a couple 2 or 3 times, I wouldn't have gotten to the size I am today.

So, to report some more good news - I did lose 2 1/2 pounds when I weighed in last Monday so I'm hoping to pull another big number tomorrow morning. Granted, I do think I've been watching entirely too much Biggest Loser because I keep expecting "double-digits" when I step on the scale. But every pound lost is a victory. Or as my Grandmother told me "those little numbers add up" So I'll keep shooting for losses instead of gains. And luckily there are lots of motivating TV shows other than Biggest Loser, like HEAVY and I Used to be Fat.

So, anyways - like Bruce said in his recent blog, Getting back on the wagon... again if you haven't seen me post in a while, check on me... keep me accountable! :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally want to come do Zumba with you when Bruce is at school!!
