Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My weakness: Cupcakes

So, it's been a full what, twenty-four hours since I announced to the world, and Facebook!?!? (what was I thinking) And I'm craving a cupcake.... Yes, my weakness is cupcakes. There. I said it.

We've been eating healthy for the past week and a half. We made a jump-start on the New Years Resolution groupies and started eating better last week by cooking all of our meals and eating less But since I've made my weight loss efforts public all I keep thinking about are cupcakes... red ones, yellow ones, black ones, white ones, I don't care. I just want a CUPCAKE!!!

Well, I feel a little better now that I've got that off of my chest. Hopefully the urge will go away and I think I'll go to the gym. I'll write more after that - that should be interesting! Haven't been in ohhhh, well let's not talk about that right now :)

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