Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weight Update...

So, here's to starting week 1 over. The past month has been extremely stressful and while weight loss has been on my mind alot, unfortunately it has not been a priority. So, I am starting over - with goals and progress and lots of other things on my mind.

Bruce and I signed up for a 5K... The 3rd Annual Rumpshaker 5K which will take place on March 26th. This is the day before Bruce's birthday and only 7 weeks away. This is the type of motivation I need to get started on my desire to learn how to run efficiently and not look like a total moron. I want to sign up for more runs along the way to keep me "goal oriented" and to get a bunch of cool t-shirts like this one LOL. I also came home tonight and told Bruce that when I lose 25 lbs I want him to buy me a new pair of tennis shoes. He, too, wants a new pair of tennis shoes so when he loses 25 lbs, he will get a new pair of tennis shoes as well. We both need them, and it is a great incentive to reach a goal. There are so many new cute pairs of tennis shoes that I don't know which ones I want - help me decide: NB 993 or NB 850 or Sketchers or Puma's. I told him if I can get started and keep going, the weight will come off. It's that first part that the tricky part :) It should also be not necessarily easier, but he should reach his goal faster than me because we all know guys lose weight a lot faster than women, but that's also another incentive cause I'll be pretty mad if he has a new pair of tennis shoes a longer time than I do :)

Another reason that I'm in kick-butt mode is because I read another article about how obesity can lead to fertility problems. Let me make myself clear, Bruce and I are not ready by any means to have kids yet, but it does make me want to be able to prevent any problems down the road if at all possible. We have 4 sets of friends who have had a very hard time trying to have children, and it has definitely been an eye opener to what we hope we will never have to go through. We pray for them every day and hope that their prayers will be answered or that they will find strength in God to get through what has probably been one of the hardest times in their lives. Only one of the couples are overweight and that may/may not have anything to do with it, but seeing other couples who are in good shape has definitely been a wake-up call.

Another thing that's happened in my life is that I'm helping with a middle school girl's Bible study on Sunday nights and after a kick-off party tonight, I see how energetic and fun they are - I definitely want to be able to keep up with them LOL.

On a little happy/sad note: A very, very good friend of mine has gotten a new job that she starts tomorrow. While I won't get to see her face every single day, unless I stalk her on facebook which I promised I would, I hate to admit that I am a little sad. I am OVER-joyed with the fact that she found a great job that she truly loves, but I will miss her so much. We will definitely keep in touch and I wish her the utmost best! Good luck tomorrow, Bethany! I know you'll do great! :)

Anyways, I hope each of you have a great week - I hope I do too! And say a little prayer that I can get back in the groove of working out and eating right. And by the way, since I'm supposed to be updating you on my weight - I haven't lost any, which is no surprise to me, but I haven't gained any either, which is a big relief. I have got to get my head back in the game, get my butt in gear, and any other way you can say to get my booty back in the gym :)

1 comment:

  1. yay! Thanks for the update! I like the New Balance 993! : )
