Saturday, August 30, 2014

2 months old already!

It's crazy how slow and how fast time is moving. It goes by extremely slow at 2AM when it takes her 40 minutes to feed because she keeps falling asleep and then she has to stay sitting up for another 15-20 minutes to keep her food down due to reflux. Yet time goes by so fast when we have a happy baby and get to spend family time doing whatever we want like going to Durbin Farms and getting ice cream. I've cried a few times thinking about going back to work in 3 weeks, but I'm trying not to think about it and enjoy the last few weeks I have with her and Bruce. We are SO extremely blessed to have a wonderful friend who will be watching Harper for us and she won't have to go to daycare. I think I'll be even more grateful this winter that she's not around a bunch of sick kids.

In the past month we've learned that she HAS to take a nap 2 to 2 1/2 hours after waking up. She HATES tummy time and is so frustrated that she can't hold her head up. She HAS to wear a bib all day long due to stupid reflux. She usually spits up a good bit and is then automatically hungry again so Mom and Harper spend a lot of time together... and it's usually nursing. Nursing has gotten a lot better! I'm so glad I didn't give up all those times I thought about it. And while it's still rough, especially during growth spurts, it's so much better for her... even when she spits up over half of it after eating. It's also SO much cheaper; it is crazy how much formula costs! She has learned to smile A LOT! Which also makes those 2AM feedings easier. Plus Mom enjoys the snuggle time afterwards. She is so much more alert and is trying to talk a lot. We also learned that the sound of the vacuum cleaner calms a fussy baby, and she also takes a nap when we're out so much better if the vacuum cleaner song is playing on Mom or Dad's phone.

Harper's cousin, Lilly, finally got to meet her and she LOVED "Baby Har-fer". I can't wait for them to grow up together. I see matching outfits in the future :)

Harper's Great Aunt Liddy and 2nd cousin Livvy came all the way down from North Carolina to see us this past week. We've also seen lots of friends and her buddy, Ace, who is a few days younger than her. They're going to be best buddies one day, their parents will make sure of it.

Our 2 month old stats are 10 lbs and 22.5" long. Doctor says we're very healthy but a little on the smaller side due to her reflux and are just going to keep an eye on it. She also got her 2 month vaccination shots, which she did not like but only cried for a little while. She's been fussy since then, but we're on the upside of that now.

We hope you all are enjoying the pictures, and if not, you can hide us from your newsfeed :) We are very proud of our beautiful baby girl and want to share her with friends and family.  In the next month, we'll be going to the beach with family and can't wait to see how Harper likes it. We hope she likes it as much as Mommy and Daddy so we can have many more family beach trips in the future.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the past month:

Lilly loved Har-fer

LOVE these two girls!

Selfie with Mom

BIG smile 
Wearing my first hair bow

One day this shirt will be true... and Daddy doesn't like that...

Second time at church

This bib is really for Daddy

Snuggled up with Bilbo

Hello, Beautiful

Sweet smile

Miss Hollywood on a stroll around the neighborhood with Mom

Morning snuggles with Dad

Second time wearing a hair bow and not too sure about it

Tummy time is exhausting

Hi, Mom!

Nap time after tummy time

This isn't so bad though...

My pretty quilt Mrs. Henrietta made for me

Another selfie with Mom

Smiling's my favorite


Some of Mom's favorites

Her little buddy, Ace, who is 6 days younger than her

Swinging outside

Snuggled up with her great-grandmother

Napping's my 2nd favorite

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