The Liebster Award is an award for new bloggers with less than 200 followers. It exists to help find new blogs to read and also help promote the blogs of people who don't have a huge following yet. Other than family and friends, I don't think anyone else reads my blog, which is ok but I'm pretty excited that Bethany thought of me! :)
The criteria, should you accept this award, is as follows:
- Thank your nominator by linking back to their post.
- Answer 11 questions posed by your nominator.
- Make a list of 11 facts about yourself.
- Nominate 3-5 up and coming bloggers with 200 followers or less.
- Provide a list of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
- Publish your post and contact your nominees with the awesome news!
1. What is your favorite recipe? Either my mother-in-laws chicken and broccoli casserole (which is a secret family recipe), or my peanut butter pie because it is so quick and easy and everyone loves it because it's something different. 1 block of cream cheese, 1 1/2 C peanut butter, 1 large cool whip, and 2 graham cracker pie crusts. Combine all ingredients and evenly place in the pie shells. Keep refrigerated until serving. Easy and great!
2. What is your favorite restaurant? My favorite restaurant is Carrabba's Italian Restaurant on 280. I've gone there every year for my birthday since I was in high school :)
3. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? Hang out on the couch and watch tv or Pinterest - you can follow me on there as well. I am all the time finding funny/inspirational quotes that I need at the right time, or fun crafts to do. I'm currently finding fall decorating ideas for our home.
4. Where is your favorite place to go on a date? Bruce and I have been trying to find fun, new places to go on dates. I blind-folded him and took him to the drive-in movies a month ago. We love movies so we go there a lot.
5. What would be your dream job? A Kindergarten teacher at a local school. I just started back to school last week and I am LOVING all of the teaching classes I am taking. I cannot wait to have my own classroom, my own students, and teach for 20-25 years :)
6. What is your favorite high school memory? I was in the band in high school and my senior year I really made an effort to remember each game. I loved my friends, traveling, and enjoying every minute of that last year.
7. What has been the best day of your life? Oh, wow, that's a tough one... I would love to say my wedding day but since it was pretty much a blur (as most bride's wedding day), I think I would say when Bruce and I really got to know each other at the beach before we started dating. It was fun texting and flirting and just having fun. Not that I would trade our lives now for anything in the world, but I do miss the days before we were married, when we didn't worry about bills, and jobs and didn't have a care in the world, except when our next date was or where we would go. Fun times! :)
8. What is your favorite tv show? That's a tough one, too, because we do watch a lot of television. I know that's bad but that's our down-time. I love Law & Order SVU, NCIS, Person of Interest and Parenthood.
9. Where do you want to live when you retire? Somewhere on a few acres, in my dream home. Most people would say the beach but I love living in Shelby County close to all of our family and friends.
10. What is your favorite vacation spot? The beach... we LOVE Seagrove/Seaside/Santa Rose beaches.
11. What's the best vacation you've ever been on? The best vacation I've ever been on was an Alaskan Cruise. There is nothing like it. It was beautiful everywhere and cruises are great anyways because you don't have to worry about extra costs except shopping. I went on that vacation with my grandparents and friends before Bruce & I were married. With Bruce, the best vacation was last year when we went to New York City. It was amazing because you could walk or take the subway anywhere. There was something to see and things going on all of the time. We didn't even get to see half of the things we wanted to see so we will definitely be planning another trip up there.
11 Random Facts About Me:
1. I am an only child, oldest child and middle child all in one :) I was the only child to my father, then the oldest child to my mother (half-brother), and then I became a middle child when my father remarried and I had an older step-sister and younger step-brother.
2. I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands/wrists when I was 21 and had surgery to correct it. I will probably have surgery again within the next year (because it's recurring). That's what happens when you go to an online university, craft, sew, bake, etc. :)
3. I am an adult-returning student at the University of Montevallo. I have my bachelors degree in Accounting but really want to be an elementary school teacher. I started Montevallo in 2002 as an education major but changed it to accounting and now after being in the field for 9 years, I know I desire more than anything to become a teacher.
4. I do not like to clean house but stress about not having a clean house, even though our house is very clean :) Ask my husband, he'll tell you, I stress over it for nothing.
5. I love to drive but only on trips, like to the beach. I hate driving when I'm going to work because it's driving to Downtown Birmingham every day.
6. I LOVE craft shows.
7. My primary love language is affection.
8. I hate chocolate but love chocolate ice cream.
9. I love to play games: board games, card games, anything. My family has always played games and I LOVE it.
10. I love Sunday afternoon naps.
11. I LOVE Auburn! Football, the University is beautiful, there is just a great atmosphere there.
Great read Jackie! Congratulations are also in order I see, so congrats to your and Bruce. Babies are such an amazing blessing from God. He is always good. Good luck with everything! :D